Signs You Would Benefit From Simple Construction Management Software

3 min readFeb 11, 2022


Most businesses want to save as much time and money as possible; this is especially true in construction. With delays and long hours common, not only does it cut into the business’s expenses, but also cuts into the livelihood of contractors. Inefficiencies on site often bleed into life outside of work, and especially after these last couple of years, we’re all starting to realize that spending time with those we care about is important.

Software can close the gap of numerous inefficiencies on site, including management of selections, poor communication with clients, file management and keeping teams on track. Here are a couple signs that you could benefit from simple management software.

Your Clients Are Causing Delays

Delays caused by supply chain issues and inventory shortages are difficult to circumvent, but delays caused by clients are completely avoidable. Whether they aren’t able to make decisions on time, forget what they ordered and accuse you of ordering the wrong item or haven’t planned out every element they need for the build, these are all avoidable.

Construction management softwares, such as Pillar, offer easy ways to keep clients engaged throughout the entirety of their project. Offering features such as discussions about selections stores relevant details, along with creating a record of what they chose, making back and forth “he said, she said” arguments a thing of the past. Along with features such as task delegation and notifications, everybody will always be on the same page.

You Current Software Is Difficult To Use

Softwares are tools, and should be intuitively created. This isn’t the case with most softwares; with poorly designed interfaces and hundreds of features that you might not ever use, you often need to attend seminars just to learn how to use them. We believe this is counter-productive, and made Pillar with the intention of completely avoiding this.

After working with hundreds of contractors, we boiled down our application to only the essential features of project management and client communication. Pillar is the easiest software to use, all while still increasing efficiency on site.

Your Stack Of Notebooks Keep Getting Larger and Larger

Pen and paper has been used in the industry for years, but those stacks build up quickly. Writing down selections on paper then transferring them to an excel sheet is incredibly painful, and takes up more time than necessary.

Being able to store everything in one central location is an obvious solution; but why hasn’t anyone done it correctly yet? Pillar’s simple selections tool allows your clients to make all their decisions in app, which will be where you manage it. Giving the client the responsibility of filling out their selections makes your job easier, as you’ll spend less time doing something that should be their job to figure out.

You Spend Considerable Amounts of Time Texting Or Calling Clients

Communication is key to any project, but there’s always room for improvement. Not every little change is worth a text or a call; in fact, too many calls or texts just lead to details being lost in massive text chains or long phone calls.

This is why we created a built in chat for managing your projects. If you or your clients make changes to a selection, a room or another aspect of the project, you just add it directly into the chat dedicated to the room or selection. This creates a record of all changes made to any aspect of the project, all the while notifying the other party that a change has been made. Everybody is always on the same page, all while reducing redundant phone calls and endless text chains.

Ready To Work Better?

There’s plenty of options for software out there, but most are going to be a little too feature rich for the average contractor. Pillar is the only software built to be simple, easy to learn and effective. Come request early access today to save on your subscription to Pillar.




A modern software startup on a mission to improve relationships between contractors and their clients.